Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Some photos from Sarah from New Year 2011! Sorry it's been so long since I have posted on here! Facebook has replaced blogging I guess!

Above photo is of me and The Lool right after the clock struck midnight and it turned into 2011!

Above photo if of The Lool and me last year right after it turned into 2010! Via this link you can see what was happening for me and for Heidi last year at this time!

Above photo was just before the clock struck midnight 2010 to 2011 and below one is exactly a year before at the same moment. Go there again via this link.

I had to post the above photo of Ayla from the end of 2010. In 2010, she was playing with some make-up and she was again in 2011! Look how she is growing up! She's really becoming a pre-teen and she cant wait to actually be allowed to wear a little make-up. She's going to have to wait a bit still!

And above is a photo of us from the same exact time two years ago as 2008 was about to become 2009. Via this link you can journey back to a year ago exactly...

My 2010 New Year's Resolution was "More Joie de Vivre - Less Weltschmerz!" This year for 2011 all I hope for is good health for me and for everyone. Fewer hospital visits in 2011 please!

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