Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday 28 August 2007: Heidi got a little bit taller. Sarah wishes she were a baller. They wish they had a girl who looked good they would call her..

Sarah says:
It's another ugly day over here at Face The Day. I tried to do something with my hair but got a whole lot of nothing in return. I am sleepy. There has been virtually no sun in Belgium this summer and we all look raw and worn because of it. We need to load up on vitamin D! I'm going to grow out my hair and have long hair again. If I compare photos from the past, that's the way I have to go -- I'm a long-haired girl at heart! Isn't that interesting! One day I'll post a photo here of when I had REALLY long straight hair. Back then, I loved it. When I see photos of it though I think I looked awful! Heidi too wants a whole new hairstyle. We are searching.
By the way, only two days to go until it's a full two years that Heidi and I have been doing this Face The Day! It will be fun to be able to post photos from three years in a row... I bet you can't wait!

Below is my Post Secret pick of the week. There weren't that many I could relate to and this was the only one that caught my attention really. I'm feeling a bit older lately. Not old at all, mind you! But I do feel that I am headed towards my 40s. I kind of like that because I know what I want. I know what I like. I enjoy things a lot more now because I generally make better choices. I use my time better. I surround myself with people I love as far as possible and I don't waste as much time with people and things that aren't meaningful to me anymore. On the other hand, I see limits too. At some point, I guess when kids come along and responsibility from work to marriage and all that - I guess you do lose some of that free spirit. You only miss it sometimes. But you do miss it... I guess it's just because you can hardly make even one decision without checking it first with someone else... No biggy. Just something that sometimes feels too bad!

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