Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wednesday 07 February 2007: Sarah doesn't have a whole lot to tell you today and Heidi, even less...

Sarah says:
I have nothing to say. Slept till 10:30. Got my kid at school and made her lunch. Had coffee with my in-laws. Did a big food shopping and searching for castanets for my daughter with the help of my father-in-law - he lifted and carried all the heavy stuff for me thankfully. Got home and put the groceries away. Ate dinner. Put my kid to bed. Almost forgot to take above photo of myself with pink Mr. Potato lips on. Am now doing this blog. Will soon talk on phone to a friend and then will watch something with my husband on TV. Then I'll go to sleep. Really interesting, huh! That's all I have to offer I'm afraid...

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