Sarah says:
The Wire is the best show I have ever seen so I am really happy that Heidi found season 1 in the library and will start watching it this week. Everyone should start watching The Wire this week! I will finish finishing The Wire and be sad it's over soon. I'm halfway through season 5 and I'm not happy that it will end very soon! I have enjoyed it so much!
Well at least Heidi will have the pleasure and the pain from watching it now and we can re-hash episodes together. She's in for a treat! Lucky gal! If I had known then what I know now I would have been even more excited about watching the first episode ever a long time ago. I have to thank my brother NSM for getting me into that show. THANKS NSM!!!
Look at my daughter below at her camp last night when we dropped her off. Both my husband and I were missing her so much last night and today and feeling really bad about sending her to camp this last week. She'll probably have such a great time! I'm even sure of it! She'll go kayaking, wall climbing, tree climbing, swimming, hanging out in a tee-pee, making totem poles and things like that. But she was the youngest there and only 1 of 3 girls! She just looked so innocent. When we got there she said she was feeling "bibbery" in her belly. She was so nervous. But she found one girl and they linked up so that was good and she felt more at ease thankfully. But this was really one camp too many. Maybe not for her but certainly for us. That's the hard part of both working full-time. You sometimes aren't so sure about what you decide for your kids. This is one of those moments. We both feel rotten. Again - she's probably more than fine but still. She's been away a lot this summer and enough is enough. We want her back full-time!!!
Hey stay of that season we just started to watch the wire so i don't want to fight over it.
it's sitting in my DVD-player and you can try to come and get it but you'll have to be strong!
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