I'm keeping myself safe from all you sickos out there because I am sure I am next but I'm gonna fight it with all my will!

The one fantastic thing that makes her sickness totally worth it, at least from my view, is that she's finally been diagnosed by a wise doctor as a honest-to-goodness retard! Just look at her medicine below! It's clear as day! I mean I knew it all along! The proof is in the pudding! Good thing there's medicine for Heidi to rid herself of her retard ways! Who would have known! Give her a week or two or three and she'll be as good as new and maybe even better because the retard in her will be cured! Viva retard! Viva Heidi!

Retard jokes are not funny to everyone, so I'm quite sure you will have offended one of your most loyal readers.
Actually, I know it's wrong but I have to admit a certain fondness for the retard joke. Viva retardo!
Hope you're better soon Heidi dear.
I'm sorry but as a retard myself I am allowed to make retard jokes... Sorry to offend. Don't mean no harm! :-)
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