Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday 28 February 2007: Heidi 's boob has grown a head and Sarah will not use even one exclamation mark in today's Face The Day entry...

Sarah says:
There will be no exclamation marks in this entry today thanks to a Face The Day viewer's comment from yesterday (a brother of mine no doubt). I get it. Exclamation marks can really annoy some people. I myself am more annoyed by semi-colons - never really mastered how to use them I'm afraid. I adore a good dash though - like that one there - marvelous. Probably use the poor buggers wrong but that's okay - I've made them mine. Greyn's ex bass player used to hate all my exclamation marks too - I took great pleasure in using even more than ever when he was involved. This link leads you to a whole discussion against the poor things. So does this link.

So check out YMA's head latching on to Heidi up there. She's getting closer and closer to getting on the bottle fully but not quite yet. YMA is amazingly adorable these days. She LOVES me, that's for sure (exclamation mark x 5). She gives me the greatest smiles. Warms my days, she does. Heidi is pretty damn cute as well. It was good to see her for a couple of hours and it is always a pleasure to see her big head here on this site. Viva Heidi and YMA. (witness: no exclamation marks at all)

That's pretty much all I have to say here today other than I'm still pain free other than the corners of each my nostrils - you know that annoying area that dries up and hurts like a mofo - well I have a double whammy of that right now. I shall overdose on cough medicine tonight - that's for sure. Last night I was up half the night with a mean dry cough. Woke up the whole house. I just picked up some stuff at the pharmacy to make sure that doesn't happen tonight.

I have to go to the gynecologist tonight for a check up and I will ask if with the lumbar protheses it is still possible to carry a child - to be pregnant. I am done with all that and don't plan on getting knocked up anytime soon but I want to know just in case I accidentally conceived or something - like Mary. Did you know I can never have an MRI again (not that I get them a lot or anything). As MRIs work with magnets, they could pull the fake disc right out of my spine. That's probably not even true but it sounds good. I wonder if I put a huge magnet on my back if there would be any effect. Does anyone out there have a huge magnet I can borrow for a scientific experiment?

Now it is high time to have a little rest as these have been some busy days. I'm not even one bit tired but everyone from the postman to the farmer to the baker to the thief keeps telling me to rest, rest, rest (x 100 exclamation marks). I guess I should listen and just chill out for a while. I think I'll watch the last episodes of the series Undeclared, which Heidi lent me (from Fej). It's good, easy viewing and keeps me lying down and resting indeed. The series Freaks and Geeks by the same guys was better because I could relate to it much more, but Undeclared is good easy fun.

Last thing - just so you know - Heidi's Internet is still down so that's part of the reason she's only here on this site every now and then. What can I report to you about her? Well, she's happily getting herself back into shape. She feels happy because she's getting her former body back and her skin is good. (she admits, by the way, that her mind is on quite shallow things such as her hair, skin, cellulite and size) She's excited to be going to a gig this week and getting out of the house without YMA hanging off her tetten. She's on speed - or at least feels like she is. I know the feeling. I too am on speed these days - metaphorically speaking of course...

And finally really, I know I already put my fave Post Secret entry of the week on here the other day, but I have to add the below one as well in honor of my appointment tonight. I just hope this one wasn't sent in to Post Secret by my particular gynecologist.


Anonymous said...

;) Found ya!
Thanks so much for everything over the past few days, it's marvelous seeing you looking and feeling so well. C xx

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

Found me indeed - should I be nervous? Now you'll know too much :-). Great to see you too and my pleasure. Notice my Prince Charles reference in honor of you (haha!). Cheers -S