Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday 19 January 2007: Heidi and Sarah get all goofy-headed for you on this fine sunny pain-free day!

Sarah says:
Praise the Lawd! I got up early to get my kid ready for school and went back to sleep because I had had a really bad non-sleeping night and felt kind of ill and slept on till noon! Guess what, I feel much better now and it is sunny and warm out in Belgium today with half the wind as yesterday! I took my little walk to Heidi's before she loaded up the car to head out to a family weekend in Oostend and we snapped this happy, cheesy photo for you with the hopes to spread joy and fun and good times into all of your weekends!
I am still bored and the weekend may also be boring most of the time and next week too and February for sure but I feel good and that is the best best best thing of all right now! I think I'll have to have a second walk today too because the weather is so grand. Next week the winter will begin here. It's about time! Heidi just finished Carnivale Season 2 and has lent it to me. My husband and I have been dying to see season 2! I should be ashamed by how much time I spend in front of the TV these days but Six Feet Under, Carnivale and soon Battlestar Galactica are such great series it seems. I have heard from my brother that HBO's The Wire is amazing as well! Maybe that can be the next series to watch. Now, it's time for me to start a new book: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
While reading it, I'll listen to my favorite CD right now: Sigur Ros - Agaetis byrjun

Just for fun, check out our photo from the same day last year! Gotta look back sometimes! We look sort fo the same I'd say although Heidi looks healthier now I think and I look older now by a few years or so...


Jen said...

If it's TV, I gotta comment!

1. you might find this a slightly better link for BSG:

2. though Noah's totally right that The Wire is amazing and now ranks up with my all-time favorite shows, I think YOUR next show should be Veronica Mars. It has all the darkness and pop culture you could dream of, and mysteries and angst to boot.

3. but I envy you, having several seasons of SFU and all of BSG still to look forward to!! Even though TV really *can* get old, at least you have the best. :-)

And nice pic today, ladies.

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

Hi Jen! Thanks for stopping by. I have never heard of VM. I'll have to keep my ears open for it and check it out if and when it makes its way her. Maybe when you and NSM come here in July, we can watch TV all day and all night! Sounds great to me! A friend just lent me Will & Grace Season 1. What's your opinion on that series? Another friend dropped off Cold Feet - and English series I love. Have you ever seen that one? I think you'd enjoy it. SFU season 5 should get here this week. I can't wait! And then BSG. Thanks for the better link! I keep checking your blog but no updates! Are you done with the blogging world or are you just too busy? We can't wait to have y'all here again! -SRA