Saturday, May 08, 2010

Thursday and Friday 07 and 08 May 2010: Heidi and Sarah meet again along with a very special Face The Day Guest: Merlijn the Oehoe's girlfriend!

Sarah says:
Let me introduce to you above the girlfriend of Merlijn, the St Jan's Oehoe Eagle Owl! Last night, she came to the Oehoe Bar we threw in our neighborhood in honor of Merlijn, who after escaping from a cage a few weeks ago, has been enchanting our neighborhood each and every day. One of these days he will no doubt return to his owner. But for now - he belongs to the neighborhood and he's changed the neighborhood by bringing people together. It's been super!

Here's a link to a whole photo album tracking his movements for the last few days...

Heidi and I finally had the chance to get a photo together for Face The Day and with no other than Merlijn's girlfriend! It was a fun photo to try to capture and it was cool to see Heidi again. It always feels like it has been so long now that we don't work together anymore!

Another phot of the owl above - also from the 7th of May at the Oehoe Bar.

And there above a photo from Thursday the 6th of May at the neighborhood meeting to plan the Oehoe Bar. The fact is, until that Oehoe came into all of our lives, I didn't know anyone from the other side of the church... How great is it that now so many of us are in contact! Makes me so happy so see people come together like that - and all because of an owl no less!
Here's a link to the Facebook page of Merlijn the Oehoe Owl. I think it is an open page. Check it out!

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