Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday 12 February 2010: One week to go, one haircutting lesson to go before the baby arrives and check out The Lool's self-made hat!

Sarah says:
Packing! Almost ready to get on the plane tomorrow to New York and looking forward to seeing my family and friends and to seeing my daughter see them all! I probably won't post photos for a while until I'm back in Belgium - but you never know! I hope Heidi's baby waits to arrive until I'm back! That would be great!!! The 20th for exmple - okay baby??? :-)
Check out the hat The Lool made with the help of her oma for Carnival. They made it out of tomato cartons and left-over sewing material. It's fantastic! I hope my daughter's passion for drawing, designing and sewing clothes lasts forever! She's so lucky to have her oma teaching her how to do it all so perfectly!

Heidi says: waw! It's crazy if you think about it...

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