Sunday, January 03, 2010

Saturday and Sunday 02 and 03 January 2009: Last weekend of vacation...

Heidi says: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wish more green power, more peace, less terrorism and a beautiful good baby boy for us :-)

Sarah says:
That me above today in a new dress I bought yesterday in Gent at the "WE" during the sales. We took my mom to the airport very early yesterday and then headed straight for Gent. It started with just a few people at 8:30 am and then by 9 am it was crazy busy. Our plan was to get in and out as fast as possible but we ended up staying till past 5pm! We had lunch at the Irish Pub in Gent and had a nice family day together - consuming indeed but that's okay every now and then! It was nice to try clothes on being a size smaller than before. :-)

Tom granted my wish a grew a two-week beard during our holidays! I LOVE it and I hope he keeps it! He needs to learn how to trim it without shaving off the whole thing. That's the hard part! I think it looks great on him.

That's me above at 6am Saturday morning the 2nd just before we left to take my mom to the airport. Not bad for 6am I'd say! I slept till 11:30 am this morning. I have been sleeping late this vacation. It's been grand! But now it is after 11pm and I have to get up early tomorrow and I am not tired at all! It's back to work and to normal life tomorrow! It will be good to bike again and eat well again! Although tomorrow there will be lots of ice so I will get a ride to and from work so I don't risk falling off my bike!

It's been a while but above you can see my favorite Post Secret of the week. I can so relate to this - it's why I take photos every day or everything and everybody! Lives change so fast and people in your life change so fast. One day here and gone tomorrow. I am not very nostalgic but I do like to keep track of life and photos help me to do that. I like to look back at photos and let memories of those times and people come back to me. If I think about this time last year - well, a lot has changed since then as well as has stayed the same... If I look at my photo wall in my hallway downstairs - lots of people I thought I would always know are gone already! That's life! Life can sure be bittersweet. But just as people go, new ones enter and that makes it all okay but thankfully there are photos to remind you of days gone by... Cliché, I know, but true! Also - Ayla is changing so very quickly! I am so glad I have a lot of photos of her. It's fun to look back with her and see how she has evolved!

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