Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday 18 and 19 November 2009: a nice day for Heidi!

Heidi says: before - after
(when you have nothing else to do :-) )

Sarah says: Above photo is from today - 19 November - my kid tried to get in the shot as you can see. The below one perhaps shows some diet and exercise progress. Sometimes I see progress, sometimes I don't so it is hard to know what is in the mind and what isn't. In any event, I feel good and I am moving my body a lot so that can only be good. Right now, in fact, I am going to go on the cross-trainer! It hurts and it is hard and I am already tired from riding my bike in the wind today but I will go for it! It makes me feel less guilty about having a piece of chocolate every now and then!

Sarah says: Me and The Lool and one of our new windows on Wednesday the 18th of November... A day like any other...


Anonymous said...

You look great! Definately smaller and firmer. More compact. I'm so proud of you! You inspire me.

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

you should become a cheer-leader my friend! You are great at it! Thanks for all the support! Tonight I ate friets!!! And now out of giult and habit I will go on the cross-trainer! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think you should give the crosstrainer a name.