Heidi and Sarah are two camera-hauling, sometimes self-obsessed gals who like a little extra attention here and there! They have been taking a photo of themselves together daily since April 2005 and plan to continue this nonsense for as long as they have it in them! They want to see how they age and with what sort of face they face each day. Do they look more tired on Mondays? More vivid when they wear bright pink? Stay tuned and feel free to Face The Day with Heidi and Sarah here daily!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday and Sunday 20 and 21 June 2009: The weekend...
Sarahsays: It'sSundaythe 21st of June - the 1stday of summer in factandfather'sday in America. I amsooooooooooootired. I think I will do the rare thingandtake a nap thisafternoonwhenmy kid is at her youthgroup. Myhead is poundingforsomereason. Itfeelslikeitwillexplode.
Above is a photofromyesterdaythe 20th of June. Spent most of theday in Kortrijk at the outdoor market-likethingyandgotsomegoodbargains! Watchedthe last episode of Deadwoodseason 1 andjustlovethat show more than ever.
Thephotoabove is fromFridaynighthe 19th of June. It'ssoseldomthat I wearmyhairupthat I thoughtit a goodideatoincludesuch a photojustforvariety-sake!
About US!!!! Heidi and Sarah are two friends, colleagues, neighbors, would-be- lesbos-if-only-we-were-attracted-to-each-other-and-woman, nim-wits, ding-dongs, obsessed and self-obsessed camera hauling idiots who can't leave moments behind so choose to capture them on film. Heidi is from Wervik and likes to change her hairstyle a lot. She is a DJ and swing-dancer among other things. Sarah comes from New York but has lived in Kortrijk long enough to know a thing or two about it. She sang in a band called Greyn once upon a time and her Dutch will always sadly suck. Good thing Heidi and Sarah speak the same language: the laguage of "me!me!me!"
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