Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday 2 November 2008: Sunday funday for Heidi and blah-day, sigh-day for Sarah...

Heidi says: no, those are not my first grey hairs. They are my blondes popping through. I think I need to dye my hair again... Or maybe not. Who cares...

Sarah says:
Just had to get some Halloween on to these pages. Valerie and Peter's kids spent the weekend with us and we had some Halloween fun. They dressed up as you can see below and Marv made a little movie of them which you can click on to watch below. Spooky! As for me, I loved having these lovely kids as usual. They are a joy! Today after driving them home I got sad on the drive back though. My mind just wandered to Peter who I saw for the last time pretty much exactly a year ago today and it still can really be painful thinking about it all. Not always - just at moments. The weather and the darkness on the way home just reminded me of exactly this time last year. And then I started to feel angry - angry at cancer and sick of cancer. It made me mad and I cried in the car and I just was cursing cancer in my head!!! It's evil and we all have to live with it and sometimes die with it and watch people we love suffer with it and the people who love them suffer with it. I hate that cancer took Peter away and my cousin Gil away so young. I hate that my sister-in-law had to struggle through breast cancer and that she and my brother fear its return. It just pisses me off this fact of life! There, I said it. I wish saying it made me feel better but right now it really doesn't. Cancer sucks and can go to hell!
There above you can see the kids all dressed up with nowhere to go! And below, you can see the video Marv made. It looks darker on some screens than on others - you should be able to make out the faces a bit...

And there below is my Post Secret pick of the week. Why shouldn't gays and lesbians be able to marry? Why should that bother anyone? Everyone deserves to be happy. By now doesn't the world realize that homosexuality is pretty freaking normal and pretty freaking widespread! What's the fuss all about? You can have gay characters all over TV and in movies but they can't live happily ever after because of your vote against it???

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