Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday 18 February 2008: Sarah's Eyes hurt though she is very happy to have cheap sunglasses!!!!!

Sarah says:
My eyes hurt so so much! Is this normal? I look so tired! I think it's the lenses. I'm losing hope. BUT I DO LOVE MY NEW CHEAP SUNGLASSES!


Anonymous said...

Contacts are often uncomfortable. That's perfectly normal. And different lenses offer different levels of comfort. You should experiment more, and maybe you'll find something with minimal discomfort. I wear dailies and like them much better than my former monthlies. Are you using the ones you leave in overnight? If so, try ones you take out every day. Talk to your eyecare professional. He or she can guide you through this difficult decision and offer you the advice you need for success! (If you don't live in the U.S. & A, you might not get those last two sentences.)

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

Thanks for the advice! I'm wearing 14-day ones and take them out every night before bed. I'll try to make it through the next 10 days until I go back to the "eyecare professional" for further tests and advice. The computer is a mofo though! My eyes are going batty just looking at it! - SRA

Anonymous said...

I done told you about the computer. First of all, what you must realize is that not everyone knows how to use it. Second, it's not meant to interface with contacts. It's only my personal theory--well, I've gotten some agreement from my eyecare professional--that it actually harms your eyes to be on the computer a lot with contacts in, but I know it feels terrible. I find that true of any close up work, even--make that especially--cutting my nails. I think it's a bad idea to leave contacts in while working close up. Then you'll change your close-up focus point, which is going to make your far away focus point even worse, and you'll need even stronger contacts, which will make close-up focus worse all over again when you have contacts in. It's a vicious cycle and must be stopped, at least until everyone learns how to use the computer.