Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thursday 07 June 2007: Heidi is Vlaams, braaf en katholiek and Sarah is landless, witty and Jewish today…

Heidi says:
I look 'Vlaams, braaf en katholiek'. That was what I was telling Sarah this morning. I have always had the feeling that I look flemish, 'sweet' and katholiek. There is no edge in my face. I don't look sexy. Do you know what I mean? I have always had the feeling that I could get away with whatever hairdo or whatever style of clothes, because of my neutral face. I miss that edge that makes a woman sexy or extravagant or striking. I look 'normal'. But maybe normal is good? Because then you can get away with heavier styles without looking trashy. I don't know. Maybe it's all crap. Maybe I am jabbering...

Sarah says:
I’m just going along with Heidi on this one and I do look more Jewish than usual today with that headband – though Heidi says I look retro. Heidi is indeed jabbering today. She’s out of balance, the poor dear. I am her Jewish mother. It’s time for me to make her some Jewish chicken soup with Matzah Balls to cure her woes. I, like Larry David, am searching for my Judaism. “Where’s my Judaism? Judaism, where are you?” Heidi says she looks too sweet and kind. I don’t know – I don’t see that. I don’t feel like that about myself. My big struggle (big – not really, superficial is more like it – even borderline shallow :-)) – is that I look too serious. I have a dang serious face that makes people think I am a stiff. If only they knew, if only they knew… So Heidi – would you rather be mistaken for “sweet” or for “serious”? At least you can dress yourself up to send out your message that you may look sweet but you have your edge. What do I have to do to not be mistaken for serious? Wear clown clothes maybe? A big strap-on red nose (or penis for that matter)? A wise-ass tee-shirt? I have a harder job – to not be mistaken for a serious stiff I have to smile a lot (which is hard for me) and I have to crack jokes all the time (which can be hard too). I don’t know – it’s that whole Looking Glass Self thing again which keeps coming up on Face The Day – which is normal as we snap our dumb heads on here everyday. Well Heidi – you actually are pretty Flemish, pretty sweet and perhaps pretty Catholic too and you just don’t know it yet. And as funny as I’d like to think I am – deep down I have that dark and serious side. So maybe, just maybe – our faces do show our true selves and all the rest of the stuff – who we try to be or would like to think we are (edgy and witty) – maybe all that stuff is frivolous and peripheral. Maybe “normal “ is good but what the frack is “normal”. One person’s normal is another person’s edgy. I don’t know. Maybe it’s all crap indeed. Maybe I too am jabbering.

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