Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday 23 May 2007: Heidi and Sarah are in good form despite the battle between trepidations and serendipities and heads full of snot and slime...

Heidi says:
Big Cold is taking over my body. I am the puppet of the Big Cold. That's good, because then I don't have to think for myself. :)) Big Cold is a slimy bastard though. My body is becoming a target for the ghost busters...

Sarah says:
Maybe it tis and maybe it tisn’t and maybe it twill and maybe it twon’t…dee dee dee dee dee dee deeYeeeeees. Yeeeeees. What if I give ye six magic beans? I tell ye the truth, I'll tell ye a lie, but if ye call me false then I'll also tell ye a lie. I'm hard yet soft, I'm coloured yet clear, I am fruity and sweet, I am jelly, what am I? Ye know too mouch!


Anonymous said...

WOW. You too look fab! Really not convinced you are ill.

SKINNY. Yeah. Big time!

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

Hey ASG - the ESL is acting up again babe! Or was your "too" comment in direct reaction to my comments about the English language yesterday. You know -- "two" and "too" and all. But thanks for the kind words just the same! SRA

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrased to be alive.
What is wrong with this head of mine?

Anonymous said...

Actually I think what I meant was you look fab as well (because I always look fab, you know?)


Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

good one ASG!
I thought you meant that!