Sunday, March 25, 2007

Saturday 24 March 2007: Sarah welcomes special Face The Day Guests ASG and TG in the quaint Dutch city Delft...

Sarah says:
Went to Delft in The Netherlands with my husband and daughter today to see our friend ASG and her husband TG. It was of course great to see ASG again - last time I saw her was June I think while looking for a wedding dress for her in Belgium. It was also nice to get to know TG better! We'll be going to their wedding ceremony in Scotland in June - we meaning not just my little family but also Heidi and Nico! I have never gone on any sort vacation with Heidi so that will be a whole lot of fun - or it will be the end of our relationship! You know what they say - if you can't vacation together your friendship can't last. Or is that marriage? Oh, I don't know. All I know is that I vacation really well with my husband and kid. We love packing up for the weekend and hitting the road. It's so cozy and fun and great to combine these travels with seeing good friends abroad. Above you see ASG getting all loopy! Her little house on a canal is so very quaint and lovely. Small - as most Dutch homes are - but so cute. Delft is a special little city. I am so glad we went there.
In the above photo you can see that TG decided to join in the Face The Day fun. He is from Scotland. ASG is from The States but I met her when she lived in Brussels. My husband and TG were talking about the possibility of my husband's wearing a whole Scottish wedding outfit (kilt and all) at the wedding. I hope my husband will splurge and go for it. What about you Nico? You want to join in the fun? And here above is me with the famous Piet Hein, whom you can read further about via this link. Apparently he was a very celebrated Dutch naval officer / folk hero. My husband asked me to get a photo with his tomb in the Oude Kerk in Delft. He's liked and known in Belgium because after all of his very heroic acts the poor guy was killed by pirates in Ostend. So now you know! By the way, I also saw the grave of the beloved Dutch painter from Delft, Johannes Vermeer there. And at the Nieuwe Kerk nearby, I saw the tomb of William the Silent. Interestingly, most of the Dutch Royal family - those from the House of Orange - Nassau, is buried there too. I think I walked over more dead bodies today than perhaps ever before...

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