Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday 18 February 2007: Sarah would like you to meet little Flo, the latest daughter of ex- Greyn's ex bass player Tom.

Sarah says:
There's Flo's mom Katrien and me an little beautiful Flo. The only Flo I have ever known is the one from that old show Alice about the waitresses in the diner. This baby Flo is much cuter than that Flo from the show. I had to cut this Flo out of another photo and paste her into this one with me and her mom because none of the three photos I took were very good - so I had to make a good one with all of us in it. It was great to meet this cutie-pie after all these months and it was nice to see her parents again and their new and lovely home. Seeing Tom brought my mind back to Greyn a bit and made me feel a little sad again but then that turned into just longing for music and a band in my life again, which is normal. Anyway - it was nice to meet this baby girl. So many baby girls around these days. I can't wait to meet my friend Erika's baby boy! It's been so long since there has been a boy. Well, that's not exactly true considering Greyn's ex guitar player and his wife had an adorable baby boy last year so there's one! But other than him, I hardly know any these days.
My husband, brother and father are out sightseeing right now. I stayed at home because it would be too much walking and standing for my slightly aching back right now. I am also coming down with a cold and a cough and just needed a day of rest again. My daughter is away at her youth movement right now and I have the house to myself. My dad brought me a bunch of magazines so you know what I'm going to do right now!!!

Here's my Post Secret pick of the week, which I only chose because it had my name on it and I found it kind of sick and funny. The poor woman who had to find this pubic hair of an ex kept by her boyfriend! That ain't right!!! Not at all. Well, I can assure you that it wasn't mine because I was married then! Thankfully! Guard your pubes women! You never know who's collecting them! And you never know who your secrets are safe with!

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