Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tuesday 28 March 2006: Here's a blast from the Heidi and Sarah archives past - 2001/2 New Year's

That was a couple of months into the first year of Heidi and Sarah's friendship. It was New Year's 2001/02 we think.

My how Heidi and Sarah have changed in just 5 short years!

Let us know if we looked better than or if we look better now?!

Heidi says: I think better!!! better better better!
I vomitted this morning. That is a very unusual thing for me to do... That is why I need to tell everyone :)

Sarah says:
I have been ill and not around. After going to the doctor, I stopped by at one of my favorite people in the world's home for a yummy lunch and some TLC, which she always offers plenty of! Thanks TV for everything!

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