Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thursday 09 March 2006: Heidi and Sarah have a têtê-à-têtê and try to work things out by putting all their hate for eachother on the table...

Heidi says:
my skin is burning! It burns burns burns...
Sarah and me are trying to be friends again. It's really difficult after all she's done to me (she hit me with a stick, pulled my hair, set fire to my face, put my head in the microwave, strangled me, attacked me with a knife, kicked me and almost stabbed me with a sword) but I'll try. Eh Sarahtje? We'll try huh? For our peeping Toms' sake...

Sarah says:
Lies! Lies! Lies! All lies I tell ya! And leave Tom out of it Heidi! Heidi spat at me. Stank up my car. Stole my coffee and poured it onto my lap. Pinched me hard all over. Slapped me silly. Gave me a wedgie. Hit me with a rat-tail. She even pied my bed. Then she scratched me in the eye. Stole my kid and pretended it was hers. Called my husband fat and shredded my blanky.

With all that said, we are about 17 minutes away from working this little spat out...


Anonymous said...

pied my bed? Does that mean she threw pies at your bed? Or is it some sort of French foot fetish reference? :-)

Jason said...

Ladies, you have to work this out soon, cause you just became heroes and heroes don't bicker. Axiom wouldn't like that.

Come over and check out your costumes designs when you can.