Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday 12 December 2005: Now Sarah is present but Heidi's gone missing -- but not for long, you can be sure. Sarah's in the middle of a blow-dry...


12 December: Where's Heidi now that sarah has returned? Come back Heidi, come back!! Maybe Sarah and Heidi aren't buddies anymore. Maybe they will never meet again. Maybe they will meet tomorrow. Maybe maybe maybe...

Heidi says:
shall post picture later and talk to ya'll then...

Sarah says:

In that photo I am in the middle of blow-drying my hair with very hot heat and trying to keep my eyes open for you as they burn from the hot, dry air! For some reason, I look really tired and my make-up is all wrong! Maybe because I am really tired and to cover all the new zits that have popped up thanks to my period being here, I have gone a little heavy on the foundation I am afraid. I have a free afternoon after teaching Erasmus students this morning about America's position in the world right now. It was fun!! I LOVE students who like to talk and ask questions and who don't just listen and write everything down that you say. There's nothing like a good discussion! I learn so much from these students everytime! This afternoon I will clean up a lot of stuff that we need to get rid of before we move our bedrooms up to our attic! I am in the cleaning-mode! I can't wait to get rid of stuff. It's time! We all have way too much! I want to lessen my load and minimalise! It's a great thought but will it ever reazlly happen? I sort of doubt it! The way things work is that the minute you throw onething out. You get something else. Alas...

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