Friday, October 21, 2005

Friday 21 October 2005: Heidi and Sarah have already had it with the mofo rain on this fuc*ing foggy Friday...

21 October: Rain, rain go the hell away would you! Heidi is all pink and shiney in her lovely raincoat. Her attempt to throw some sunshine your way. Sarah is back in black as freaking usual.

Heidi says: (as Sarah imagines)
I'll add my comments myself later, thank you...

Sarah says:
So the only way to really get rid of the floater problem is for the culprit to stop taking such fiber-filled vitamins. That's my thought anyway. Any other suggestions are of course always welcome. Especially from Fej and AS who perhaps know more about floaters than they are willing to share. As for me on this rainy day, I just got my period (can you tell from my photo?). I am crampy. I am bitchy. Today I get my stitches out. My belly-button hurts! Other than all that, all is well. Wishing you all a marvellous weekend.

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