Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday 22 September 2006: Today is the day for Heidi (but she thinks nothing will happen) and Sarah has a good last day in Berlin!

Starbucks and Lush right next to each other!
A part of the Berlin WallSarah says:
Nothing like Starbucks, Lush and the Berlin Wall all together in one day to make you think about how the world has changed and how Berlin has changed since the Wall came down. I couldn't help but go to Starbucks and Lush as they were just outside my hotel and on my way to where had to work. Parts of The Wall were also just around the corner. I visted those with a clinet just after we ate lunch but I had to get a taxi to my hotel and the airport fast so didn't get to see anything really! I have to go back to Berlin and see more! There is so much to see and learn about. This city is huge and wonderful.

Heidi says: No signs of a birth... I am waiting! When is she going to show us that little sweet face? The world is waiting, girl!


Upstater said...

tytxysujHello Heidi!!!! I know your frustration. My first child was nearly 2 weeks late and the second was a week late. So hang in there be assured that the baby will get tired of being in that nice warm environment. Then look forward to feedings in the middle of the night - get alot of rest NOW LOL


Anonymous said...

Nice face. It is one you will have an opportunity to use often as your daughter grows.

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

hahahahaha! That's a good one, anonymous! I will train on it!

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

Oh Barbara, two weeks late! Doesn't that get one completely mad? I don't think I could take that...
And rest, well, I have had it with that. I have been resting for the last three months, and I need action! :))

Upstater said...

yes it got me totally bonkers!! I asked my dr. if I were going to carry him to college!!!!!!

Rest as in once that baby is born your life as you knew it is gone forever!!!!!!!!!!!
