Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesday 8 August 2006: sssst... Heidi is reading and Sarah is hanging with her old pal Bevin from her New Paltz days.. check out this old and new pic!

Sarah says:
Meet my buddy Bevin Lynch who drove 5 hours down from Gainesville to Miami to hang out for one night! We have known each other since 1989 when we were roommates and drinking and smoking buddies at S.U.N.Y. New Paltz. Bevin joined the NAVY and spent a few years living and working in Antarctica where she fell in love with a guy named Steve who she is now married to. Today bevin and I have been catching up, playimg with puppets and wearing wigs. If the rain would stop, we might swim. Check out the second photo above from the summer of 1989 when we first met. That was the first day we met actually at New paltz orientation. Check out Bevin's huge rockstar hair and my pj shorts and ugly head! What were we thinking?!!! That feels like so long ago. It's so great to see Bevin again now! Heidi has even met Bevin and we all played Kolinistan together. Bevin brought her game here and we may play it tonight. Bevin says hello to Heidi and Nico and wants to know if y'all got wood?


Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

Hell yeah, we got wood!
Wanna trade for sheep?
Kisses for Bevin and Steve!!!

Jason said...


Anonymous said...

Holy, holy, mother of god. Funny photo. Can I just say that you both look Oh So Much Better now. Funny thing is, though, Sarah, that you don't look older - just better! Wooo hooo! I miss you where have you been? Oh of course I know where you've been. Can't wait to get back on the email. Heidi my precious, you look great. Hang in there kiddo - you are nearly there. If it makes you feel any better I would kill to be bed bound for a couple months. That's just the kind of sick fuck I am. Just goes to show you, you always seem to get what you don't want. I guess like you say to learn something about yourself. Kisses and love to all of yours. Missing Belgie today. Aim

Anonymous said...

Hey Bevin!!
You sure need more 'hondwihnkhelingh'!
At least: you did in the 80's!

Say hello to Steve.

maureen quinn-kerins said...

please bear with me, i know nothing about blogging & all that stuff. I am actually looking to get in touch with Bevin Lynch. if there is any way you could put me in touch with her?...I would appreciate it.. Thank you....maureen(quinn) kerins

maureen quinn-kerins said...

if you are able to put me in touch with bevin lynch, I can be contacted a moekerins1969@verizon.net