Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thursday 02 March 2006: Heidi and Sarah welcome back winter but want it to go the hell away and let spring in enough is enough already I mean really..

Heidi says:
It's winter all over again! brrrrrrrrrr...

Sarah says:
I have been up since 5 in the morning thinking about Greyn's new songs!!! It's making be batty! I can't wait to hear the end result! Can't freaking wait I tell ya! I also can't wait till spring! I want sun! I want happy people around who say hello to each other when passing! I want brighter eyes! I want I want I want! Tomorrow HAIRCUT!!!! Woo hoo hoo! Hey Heidi, remember if you want to join me to Ikea in France tomorrow night you are more than welcome! It's time to buy bookshelves for my kid's room! We are finally moving our bedrooms up to our attic after about 17 years of construction it seems! I can't wait! Can't freaking wait! I want purple bed sheets! I wannt nice towels for our attic bathroom! I want so many things that I can't have! Boo hoo! I feel like a tired brat today! This day needs to end so I can go back into my bed RIGHT NOW!


Jason said...

I know what you mean. During the begining of the week it was 22 degrees here. Then the next day I needed my jacket to go work. By the time I got to work, I didn't need it. It became as high as 72. Mother Nature needs to make up her damn mind.

You know what I love about this site so much? The pictures of you too. It's so . . .REAL, I guess, is the word I am looking for.

Besides Heidi has such beautiful eyes. :)

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

And Sarah! Sarah has beautiful eyes too you know!!! :-)
Where do you live snowboy? What's your work?
Glad you find our site real! It is indeed. You see us at our best and at our worst. And at our in between. A lot of people visit this site and we are not sure why that is. I guess it's like a very slow-moving reality show! Stay tuned for some big news! Cherio, Sarah

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

thanks for the compliment snowie!