Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday 18 October 2008: Sarah gets terribly close to a landing hot air balloon on the egg of Kortrijk and Heidi has fun with babyma and Nice!

Heidi says:
Sarah says:
On our way home from a day out in Gent today, we saw a hot-air balloon sooooooo close to the exit and almost hitting into lamp posts on the roadway! You can see it behind me above after it hit the ground. It was weird to see it tilt over on one side so full of people than bounce back up. Below you can see a nice shot of it just after it went right over the exit road. I have always dreamt of going up in such a balloon but now that I have seen how it can land hard, I think it would be too dangerous for my back as the prostheses in my lower back means I can never jum again without possibily hurting myself badly and the landing certainly looked like a big jump. So I guess that dream, like the oen of jumping out of a plane with a parachute, is gone... My almost 90 year old bad-ass aunt can do it but not me!!!
And there below you see a very, very tired me with the light of my life! Funny how she's starting to look more and more like me. It's about time! I have had this very Belgian-looking daughter for all these years! That hasn't changed of course, but something in her face and expression is really similar to mine. It's not really important but it still feels good to see it. I have no idea why that is - it just is...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's the egg of kortrijk? Have I seen it?