Wednesday, March 19, 2008

wednesday 19 March 2008: This is a black day for the world. Hugo Claus is dead. Long live Hugo Claus. The Sorrow Of Belgium...

Heidi says: the news brought tears to my eyes. Hugo Claus died this afternoon. He is now longer ours. He will be missed.

Het ongeloof
teistert de gelovigen
in de verzorging
Verpleegster, in uniform, olijk
mongooltje, onrechtvaardig,
slachtoffer, hoe lang nog? Twee jaar?

Wij zitten in ongenade, in
hetzelfde schuitje

Zelfs de zeeleeuw van de geologie
is verbijsterd
door het moeras
van zegeningen

Hugo Claus

Sarah says:
The Sorrow of Belgium -- Hugo Claus is one name I have heard over and over again since day one of my being in Belgium. Rest in Peace HC.

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