Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday 29 July 2007: Do you like Sarah's new shirt? Sarah can't wait till Tuesday when her kid and Heidi return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah says:
I got a new shirt yesterday in the sales. Isn't it colorful? I like how a new colorful shirt can make you feel renewed and colorful! It was a good weekend with ASG and TSG. Good fun, good friends, good food. I just have to get through the next two days and then my kid will be back from camp and Heidi will be back from vacation! Pathetic, I know but that's the truth. I miss them both and I can't wait to see them both. It's obvious why with my kid but maybe less so with Heidi... Well, you see, Heidi was at work when I was on vacation and now I am at work when she is on vacation so this is going to be about 6 weeks without really seeing each other in the regular every-day way. I feel like she's a stranger now and I am too her it's been so long! Not really, but c'mon! You know what I mean. Heidi is my everyday friend, confidant, gossip-pal, buddy, chum. I miss her and the kid! It's time they both return. I'm at my best around them both usually so it all makes sense and Heidi and I have a lot of catching up to do and a lot of plans to make!

So below is my Post Secret pick of the week about wishing it wouldn't hurt so much when making love. Well, for the 8 years before my recent back operation, I could have easily been the writer of that post card I hate to admit, though it is no secret to those who know me well and I am not ashamed of it or anything... But man did it suck because you just feel so abnormal for not being able to really enjoy something that felt great once upon a time and then didn't for years. It hurt. It hurt horribly. My whole body hurt horribly for years and any major movement hurt it more. I am so glad I wasn't making all that pain up or imagining it or hiding behind it. It was real. We found out after years of searching and of my feeling totally inadequate what was wrong and we found a solution to my back and body pain! But the body remembers pain for a long time and you kind of have to re-learn trust and relaxation and enjoyment. Slowly but surely! All's well that ends well! I hope the person who wrote the below card can find out what causes her pain and find a solution too! It's too easy to think you are the problem. Doctors will tell you you are the problem. Most often I bet you aren't the problem and there might be some very clear explanation with a solution... Believe me I know...


Anonymous said...

Het shirt staat je héél mooi!

Anonymous said...

Is nothing better left unsaid?

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

That is up to the person saying it...isn't it?

rebecca said...

Hi I'm Sarah and I'm...HOT!