Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wednesday 06 September 2006: Sarah shows you how here diet is going with a reverse belly shot and her profile... Where's Heidi?

So today I offer up a full shot of myself to show how my diet is going or isn't going. Some days I feel it is working. Other days I feel like a greasy fat pig. Half of it or even more is in the mind. All I know is I am doing the best I can to lose this weight before my operation on my back on the 14th of December. I still have time and I'm sure time will equal progress. It's just such a slow process to get there! I also offer my profile today for a change. Something different for once! And even in profile I can see I lost some weight. I'm not as "thick" as I was before -- not just a blob or a block.
Here's my favorite Post Secret entry this week. With all the babies coming these days and Heidi's almost here this postcard about loving your child seems fitting -- although I hate the idea that the person who wrote this and many people out there would not know how to love their gay son or lesbian daughter. There is nothing like the love you feel for your child -- in my experience anyway -- and I can only imagine loving my child no matter what and totally unconditionally! Maybe I am naive. I don't know! I just think people waste too much time on not allowing themselves to love unconditionally. Why would anyone not love their child because the child was gay! Beats me!


Anonymous said...

You look maaaaaarvulous dharlink, simply maaaaarvulous! It seems slow now but if you just keep, keep at it then you will be surprised because all those little bits add up to a months worth and really months go by so quickly! Keep on, keepin' on! AS(g)

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about loving your gay child or loving unconditonally? Not to compare being gay to being a mass murderer, but would you love your child if he were the latter? At the very least, wouldn't your love be diminished? Unconditional love is an overrated concept and a practical impossibility. We all choose conditions under which we can or cannot love people. While I agree with you that a child's homosexuality should not diminish a parent's love, I don't agree that there are no conditions that should. I mean, what if your child were a Republican?

Now that your one-year anniversary has passed, let's continue to raise the discourse here, and move away from mere vanity and self-obsession-indulgence. Just doing my best to add at least a smidgen of intellect to this blog. ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm trying to get into Sleater-Kinney, listening to all their albums on Yahoo Music. They definitely have a lot of merit, but the vocals are killing me! The voice has a lot of good qualities, but it's too over-the-top screaming. I think it will prevent me from becoming a fan. I can't get past it. Sorry, Heidi.

Heidi and Sarah Face The Day said...

no problem N! I'm okay with that! I love them and that's enough!
How are you, by the way?

Anonymous said...

Who is this anony? The only limits on love are the ones you set for yourself. I'm glad to see that H. loves Sleater K unconditionally. I'm going to Poland today. Bye bye. As(g)