Friday, October 15, 2010

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 13, 14 and 15 October 2010: Sarah is going to Gothenberg Sweden on Saturday the 16th and can't wait!

Sarah says:
above is tonight the 15th. I should be packing for Sweden but I am procrastinating...
above and below you can see Ayla's school photos. We got her one from 6th grade today. It's so great seeing her grow up like this. It's very clear!

Above photo is from the 14th and below one from the 13th I guess. Or maybe they are both from the 14th. Can't recall! Anyway - time to pack for Sweden! I will see my old friend Bjorn in Gothenburg and then go to a conference in Boras, Sweden till Tuesday! Can't wait to be in these places! I have never been!

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