Friday, September 04, 2009

Thursday and Friday 03 and 04 September 2009 (forgot photo 02 September): HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMSKE!!!!!

Above is a photo from today, 04 September 2009. I just got home from work and picking up my kid from school. I rode her home on the back of my bike through the wind as you can see by my sweat and my hair! I am loving my bike but I haven't had to ride through terrible rain yet. I am sure I won't love that at all. I remember all he times I saw Heidi arrive at work soaking wet and miserable from the wind and the rain! Yesterday it was so windy on my way to work that I had to walk my bike up a hill rather than ride it. And even when it is cold, I end up sweating from riding. I have no condition at all. I hope I am building some up and that I get more fit each day by riding. I don't miss having a car really but I am sure I will as the rain, cold, dark and ice sets in. We'll see what happens. I might get a car to use when really necessary.
Above is another shot from today. I haven't eaten one sweat or really fatty or starchy thing all week and I have been biking each day so perhaps I am already seeing small changes in my body. Fewer double chins for example and slightly more hops. A very long way to go still and I hate dieting but it will be very good for me in the long run - for my knees and for my back and heart and all! Today is Tom's birthday and I want to eat cake - but I won't! I might Sunday though, when we have some guests over. I'm not sure how to handle "cheating" on a diet that I am making myself. Monday night I go back to the obesity center to meet with a dietist so I hope I walk away from that with some good tips!
And there above you can see me on 03 September also just home from work and from biking. I was really, really tired. A first work week, no matter how calm, is very tiring! Speaking of work, all is well! I finished my first week now and Ayla finished her first week if school and now we are going to start our weekend and celebrate Tom's birthday when he gets home. Saturday we'll look for a new bike and rain-gear for me and Sunday we'll eat cake (probably me too!!)!


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