Saturday, November 04, 2006

Saturday 04 November 2006: Mona and Sarah see Borat - very nice - success, see fire in Kortrijk and see De Kreun and Heidi's sister on this busy day!

Sarah says:
What a filled up day! We saw Borat, which was a good laugh - perhaps especialy because if the Jew and the Muslim American in me and in Mona! Borat is a nut and my favorite line had something to do with "I can still smell your testicles in my moustache" or something like that after a seriously gross naked scene between Borat and his buddy and their bodies slapping together. That went pretty far!
Next, we were in Kortrijk just when the resthouse in the ceneter caught on fire. It was very strange to witness.
And later, after sitting through my kid's Chiro youth club evening, we went to De Kreun to see Toman and The Portables but ended up spending most of our time in the lovely cafe next to De Kreun where I ate great pumpkin soup! We stopped in De Kreun to say by to Bart there because Mona met him 10 years ago at my American wedding. We saw Nathalie, Heidi's sister and decided to get a photo with her...And now it is bedtime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tee hee hee. We saw Borat on Friday. Very very nice. We like his movie film. I am your neighbor again! Let's meet. Soon. X asg